Obituary: Axel von Hillebrandt (1933–2024)

Axel von Hillebrandt and his dog Enno

Axel von Hillebrandt and his dog Enno in the Karwendel

On January 3, 2024, Axel von Hillebrandt died in Berlin at the age of 91 after a long illness.

Axel von Hillebrandt (A.v.H.) was born on April 12, 1933 in Tilsit. His parents were Captain Hans von Hillebrandt and his wife Ehrengard (née Flotow). The family moved to Schweinfurt in 1936 because his father was transferred from the 1st Prussian Cavalry Regiment to the local 36th Tank Regiment (this unit was wiped out in Stalingrad in 1942/43). Here, from 1939 to 1943, A.v.H. attended the elementary school and then the high school for boys. Since Schweinfurt increasingly became a target for Allied bombers during the Second World War, he attended the Hermann Lietz Schools in Ettersburg near Weimar and Grovesmühlen in the Harz mountains from 1943 to 1945. After the war, he returned to Schweinfurt and passed his secondary school leaving examination in 1952.

A.v.H. developed an interest in geology at school, and so he began studying at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) in Munich. After his preliminary diploma, he went for a year to Freiburg and then back to Munich, where he completed his geology diploma at the Technical University in 1957 under Paul Schmidt-Thomé. The inspiration for his diploma-thesis came during a practical course at Mobiloil, which was interested in mapping the Reichenhall Basin. The field work was carried out together with Dietrich Herm, with whom A.v.H. became a lifelong friend. During his time in Munich he discovered his talent for mountaineering, which would be useful for his future field work in difficult-to-access mountain regions.

A.v.H. came back to the Paleontological Institute of the LMU, where he worked under Herbert Hagn on a dissertation on the Paleocene and its foraminifera in the Reichenhall and Salzburg basins (Hillebrandt, 1960). As part of a mountaineering tour in the Spanish Central Pyrenees organized by the Alpine Club, he also examined profiles in the Early Tertiary of the Mont Perdu area (Hillebrandt, 1962, 1964). From 1959 he received a position as a research assistant at the institute, and after receiving his PhD in 1960 he became a research assistant to Richard Dehm.

Axel von Hillebrandt through the years

Axel von Hillebrandt in 1952, 1984 and 2010.

In 1962, Axel von Hillebrand moved to the Technical University of Berlin as assistant of Werner Zeil, with the opportunity to complete his habilitation. His research focused now on the Early Tertiary of Zumaya (Guipuzcoa Province, NW Spain). However, contacts with Munich, especially with the academic section of the German Alpine Club, remained intact. This is how A.v.H. was abke to conduct an adventurous expedition to the Hindu Kush. The seven participants of this expedition set off in June 1963 in three VW buses and reached Kabul via Persia after a three-week journey. From here, they drove in one VW bus and a truck along mountain roads to the village of Warsa, 680 km away, and then walked for days to explore the geography and geology of the Hindu Kush. Thirty peaks with a height of more than 5000 m were climbed (Hillebrandt, 1963, 1964). Back in Berlin he continued his work on the Zumaya profile – a very important Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary location, again in cooperation with Dietrich Herm. After submitting his habilitation thesis (Hillebrandt, 1965) he received the Venia Legendi.

At the suggestion of Werner Zeil, who worked in South America since 1955 and managed the “Andean Geotraverse” research group, Axel von Hillebrandt taught as a visiting professor at the Escuela de Geologica in Santiago (Chile) from 1966 to 1968. The move to South America meant not only a geographical but also a technical turning point, because from then on he focused on the biotratigraphy of the Jurassic by means of ammonites. First, he took every opportunity to study the Jurassic and Cretaceous deposits of the Andes and the corresponding museum collections in Chile and Argentina. Between January 1966 and March 1968 he was active mainly in the Atacama region between 26° and 29° S, where he explored about 50 outcrops. He also investigated sections in the Domeyko Mountains and the Jurassic Coastal Mountains. In May 1967 he again joined an Alpine Club expedition; the Munich Alpine Expedition to Peru (Hillebrandt and Mirwald, 1969). He made observations of the Jurassic and Cretaceous between Pucará and Pampa Cruz, south of Huancayo in central Peru (Hillebrandt, 1970). In January 1968 he visited the Jurassic region of Paso del Espinacito in the south of San Juan Province in Argentina.

Back in Germany, A.v.H. was able to continue his research in South America because he received a permanent position as a professor of paleontology at the TU Berlin. The field work (supported by the DFG) now focused on northern Chile, but he also conducted research in Peru and the provinces of Mendoza and Neuquén in Argentina, with numerous PhD students supporting him. Over 60 publications have been published with a focus on ammonite stratigraphy in the Jurassic of South America. In the 1980s, the DFG called for more interdisciplinary research, and so a group of geologists, geophysicists and geodesists was created at the TU and FU in Berlin to focus on the mobility of active continental margins in the Chilean Mesozoic. From these activities, the Research Center 267 was established in 1993 with a focus on “Deformation processes in the Andes”. Here A.v.H. succeeded to date the volcanites of the Andes with interfingering sediments (Hillebrandt, 1981; Hillebrandt et al., 1994).

When the German Stratigraphic Commission was founded in 1971, A.v.H. was one of the founding members of the Jurassic and Tertiary Subcommissions. He remained particularly connected to the Jurassic Subcommission and was its chairman from 1988 to 1995. In 2009 he organized a field trip in the Karwendel mountains (Hillebrandt and Kment, 2009). In addition to his research at the University, A.v.H. also took on administrative tasks, such as managing the Institute of Geology (1984-1987) and chairing the commission for awarding PhD degrees (1970-1984).

When he attended the conference of the Paleontological Society in Budapest in 1994, Friedrich Strauch and Rolf Schröder persuaded him to be the candidate for chairman. An hour later he was elected, although he realized only later how much work this office entailed. In particular, the search for a new treasurer proved to be “extremely difficult”. During his chairmanship (1995-1997) there were also discussions about new heritage laws, which would make the field work of paleontologists very difficult.

In addition to research, A.v.H. treated teaching as at least an equally important task. Axel gave lectures in micropaleontology and invertebrate paleontology. The accompanying manuscript to this course was called“The Great Hillebrandt” by the students because of its length. His field class excursions were primarily to the Lower Saxony mountains, which were closest to Berlin, as the surrounding GDR could not be visited. He also took his students to the Alps, where numerous mapping courses took place. He used the diploma mapping and diploma theses in southeastern Spain for his own research on Cretaceous and Tertiary foraminifera (e.g. Hillebrandt, 1980). Axel supervised 15 dissertations (Alps, Egypt, Spain and Andes) and one habilitation (Prinz: Triassic-Cretaceous corals from Chile).

Axel von Hillebrandt at Kuhjoch

Hammering the “Golden Spike“ into the Triassic-Jurassic boundary at Kuhjoch in the Karwendel in 2011.

After his retirement in 1998, A.v.H. did not give up his work, and documented the ammonites he had collected in South America in extensive monographs, with those on the Hettangian, the Sinemurian and the Pliensbachian fauna particularly noteworthy (Hillebrandt, 2000b-d; Hillebrandt, 2002a; Hillebrandt, 2006). Since the 1980s, Axel had been an active member of the International Subcommission on Jurassic Stratigraphy, particularly the Hettangian Working Group. When Leopold Krystyn drew his attention to a section in the Karwendel that seemed to be suitable as a Global Stratotype Section (GSSP) for the basis of the Jurassic system, extensive investigations began, which were tentatively summarized (Hillebrandt et al., 2006, Hillebrandt et al., 2007). Over the next five years, the international working group worked out all sedimentological, geochemical and paleontological aspects of the Kujoch section to the extent that a proposal was presented to the International Commission on Stratigraphy in 2009, which the IUGS ratified in 2010. The following year, Axel hammered the Golden Spike into the T/J-boundary during a ceremony at Kujoch (Hillebrandt et al., 2013. Riccardi, 2021).

Axel von Hillebrandt has been honored many times for his outstanding scientific achievements. In 1999, the Asociación Geológica Argentina appointed him as a corresponding member based on his contributions to the stratigraphy of the Jurassic of South America and Argentina and his collaboration with researchers from Argentina (Riccardi, 2021). In 2014 the Paleontological Society made him an honorary member.

His lasting legacy is, on the one hand, his numerous and high-quality publications (130 in total) and, on the other hand, his extensive collections. In particular, he collected thousands of ammonites from the Lower and Middle Jurassic of South America. Most of the material is now stored and neatly labeled in the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin and in the Bavarian State Collection in Munich.

Axel von Hillebrandt was married and had two daughters. His wife Lilo died far too early in 1990. From 2004 onwards, his little dog Enno accompanied him everywhere. In 2015 he suffered an accident at his home and was no longer able to travel, while Parkinson’s disease increasingly limited him. He spent the last years of his life in seclusion in a retirement home near the Berlin Zoo.

Eckhard Mönnig ∙ Coburg & Peter Prinz-Grimm ∙ Frankfurt


Hillebrandt, A.v. (1960c): Das Alttertiär im Becken von Reichenhall und Salzburg (Nördliche Kalkalpen). Auszug aus der Inaugural-Dissertation Universität München mit Lebenslauf; München (Steinbauer & Hagemann).

Kallenbach, H.: Laudatio zum 65. Geburtstag. (Manuskript, November 1998).

Prinz-Grimm, P. (1998): Prof. Dr. Axel von Hillebrandt zum 65. Geburtstag. – Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen, 211/1(2), p. 1-5.

Riccardi, A. (2021): Los Miembros Correspondientes de la Asociación Geológica Argentina: Axel von Hillebrandt. – Asociatión Geológica Argentina, Serie D, Publicación Especial, 15 (2021), p. 237-241.

Axel von Hillebrandt – Publications

Hillebrandt, A.v. (1957): Die Schichten der Gosau und des Alttertiärs im Norden und Nordwesten des Untersberges (Becken von Reichenhall). – 128 P., 34 figs.; Diplomarbeit Universität München (Schreibmaschine).

Hillebrandt, A.v. (1960a): Geologie und Bergsteiger. – Der Bergkamerad, 20, S. 650-659, 5 figs.; München (Bergverlag Rother).

Hillebrandt, A.v. (1960b): Das Alttertiär im Becken von Reichenhall und Salzburg (Nördliche Kalkalpen). – 281 p., 13 figs., 6 pls.; Inaugural-Dissertation Universität München (unveröffentlicht).

Hillebrandt, A.v. (1960c): Das Alttertiär im Becken von Reichenhall und Salzburg (Nördliche Kalkalpen). Auszug aus der Inaugural-Dissertation Universität München, 6 p., 2 tab.; München (Steinbauer & Hagemann).

Hillebrandt, A.v. (1962): Das Alttertiär im Becken von Reichenhall und Salzburg (Nördliche Kalkalpen). – Zeitschrift der deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft, 113 (2/3), p. 339-358, 7 figs.; Hannover.

Hillebrandt, A.v. (1962): Das Paleozän und seine Foraminiferenfauna im Becken von Rei¬chenhall und Salzburg. – Bayerische Akademie Wissenschaften, mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Klasse, Abhandlungen, Neue Folge, 108, 182 pp., 12 figs., 15 pls.; München.

Hillebrandt, A.v. (1962): Nummulites (?) paleocaenicus n. sp., eine neue Nummuliten-Art aus dem Paleozän des Beckens von Reichenhall und Salzburg. – Mitteilungen der Bayerischen Staatsammlung für Paläontologie und historische Geologie, 2, p. 1-7, 1 tab., 2 figs., 2 pls.; München.

Hillebrandt, A.v. (1962): Das Alttertiär im Mont Perdu-Gebiet (Spanische Zentralpyrenäen). – Eclogae geologicae Helvetiae, 55/2, p. 295-315, 3 figs., 6 pls.; Basel (Birkhäuser).

Hillebrandt, A.v. (1963): Hindukusch-Kundfahrt 1963 der Akademischen Sektion München. – Mitteilungen des Deutschen Alpenvereins, 11, 15. Jahrgang, p. 209-210; München.

Hillebrandt, A.v. (1964): El Terciario Bajo de la zona del Monte Perdido (Huesca). – Notas y Comunicaciones del Instituto Geológico y Minero de España, 73, p .61-97, 3 figs., Taf 1-6; Madrid.

Hillebrandt, A.v. (1964): Zur Entwicklung der planktonischen Foraminiferen im Alttertiär und ihre stratigraphische Bedeutung. – Paläontologische Zeitschrift, 38 (3/4), p. 189-206, 5 figs.; Stuttgart.

Hillebrandt, A.v. (1964): Vorwort. – In: Münchener Hindukusch-Kundfahrt 1963. Verlauf, wissenschaftliche und bergsteigerische Ergeb¬nisse. – p. 7-8; München (Akademische Sektion).

Hillebrandt, A.v. (1964): Die Geologie des mittleren Khwāja Muhammad-Gebirges. – In: Münchener Hindukusch-Kundfahrt 1963. Verlauf, wissenschaftliche und bergsteigerische Ergeb¬nisse. – p. 20-26; München (Akademische Sektion).

Grötzbach, E. & Hillebrandt, A.v. (1964): Die rezente und eiszeitliche Vergletscherung im mittleren Khwāja Muhammad-Gebirge. – In: Münchener Hindukusch-Kundfahrt 1963. Verlauf, wissenschaftliche und bergsteigerische Ergeb¬nisse. – p. 26-31; München (Akademische Sektion).

Hillebrandt, A.v. (1965): Foraminiferen-Stratigraphie im Alttertiär von Zumaya (Provinz Guípūzcoa. NW-Spanien) und ein Vergleich mit anderen Tethys-Gebieten. – Bayerische Akademie Wissenschaften, mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Klasse, Abhandlungen, Neue Folge, 123, p. 1-62, 3 figs., 3 maps, 5 tab.; München.

Hillebrandt, A.v. & Mirwald, P. (1969): Zur Geologie der Yarumario-Gruppe. – In: Münchener Andenkundfahrt 1967. Verlauf, wissenschaftliche und bergsteigerische Ergebnisse, p. 11-40, 1 geol. map, 4 figs.; München.

Hillebrandt, A.v. (1970a): Die Kreide in der Zentralkordillere östlich von Lima (Peru, Südamerika). – Geologische Rundschau, 59 (3), p. 1180-1203, 5 figs., l Tab.; Stuttgart.

Hillebrandt, A.v. (1970b): Zur Biostratigraphie und Ammoniten-Fauna des südamerikanischen Jura (insbes. Chile). – Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen 136/2, p. 166-211, 3 figs., 2 tab.; Stuttgart.

Hillebrandt, A.v. (1971): Der Jura in der chilenisch-argentinischen Hochkordillere (25-32° südl. Breite). – Münsterische Forschungen zur Geologie und Paläontologie, 20/21: p. 63-87, 5 figs.; Münster.

Hillebrandt, A.v. (1971): Spirocyclinidae (Foraminiferen) aus der Unterkreide von Peru. – Mitteilungen der Bayerischen Staatsammlung für Paläontologie und historische Geologie, 11, p. 11-16, 1 figs., 3 pls.; München.

Hillebrandt, A.v. (1971): Stylothalamia (Sphinctozoa, Porifera) aus dem Lias von Peru. – Mitteilungen der Bayerischen Staatsammlung für Paläontologie und historische Geologie, 11, p. 69-75, 1 figs., 2 pls.; München.

Hillebrandt, A.v. (1972): Sobre la bioestratigrafía y la fauna de ammonites del Jurásico de América del Sur (especialmente de Chile). – Departamento de Geologíca, Universidad Chile, Publicationes, 39, 50 p., 3 figs., 2 tab.; Santiago de Chile.

Hillebrandt, A.v. (1973): Die Ammonitengattungen Bouleiceras und Frechiella im Jura von Chile und Argentinien. – Eclogae geologicae Helvetiae, 66/2, p. 351-363, l figs., 3 pls.; Basel.

Hillebrandt, A.v. (1973): Neue Ergebnisse über den Jura in Chile und Argentinien. – Münsterische Forschungen zur Geologie und Paläontologie, 31/32: p. 167-199, 4 figs., l tab.; Münster.

Hillebrandt, A.v. (1974): Bioestratigrafía del Paleógeno en el sureste de España (Provincia de Murcia y Alicante). – Cuad. Geol. Iberica, 5: p. 135-153, 10 figs.; Granada.

Hillebrandt, A.v. (1975): Correlation entre les biozones de grands Foraminifères et de Foraminifères planctoniques de l’Ilerdien. – Bulletin du Société géologique de France, t. XVII, 2. p. 162-167, 2 figs.; Paris.

Hillebrandt, A.v. (1976): Los Foraminiferos planctónicos, nummulitídos y coccolitofóridos de la zona de Globorotalia palmerae del Cuisiense (Eoceno inferior) en el SE de España (Provincia de Murcia y Alicante). – Revista española de micropaleontología, 8/3, p. 323-394, 69 figs., 9 pls.; Madrid.

Hillebrandt, A.v. (1977): Ammoniten aus dem Bajocium (Jura) von Chile (Südamerika). Neue Arten der Gattungen Stephanoceras und Domeykoceras n. gen. (Stephanoceratidae). – Mitteilungen der Bayerischen Staatsammlung für Paläontologie und historische Geologie, 17, p. 35-69, 16 figs., 5 pls.; München.

Helmcke, D., Barthel, K.W. & Hillebrandt, A.v. (1978): Über Jura und Unterkreide aus dem Zentralgebirge Irian Jayas (Indonesien). – Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Monathefte, 1978/11, p. 674-684, 3 figs.; Stuttgart.

Hillebrandt, A.v. & Davidson, J. (1979): Hallazgo de Paleozoico Superior marino en el oriental de la de Sierra Fraga, Región de Atacama. – Revista Geológica de Chile, 8, p. 87-90, l figs.; Santiago de Chile.

Hillebrandt, A.v. (1979): Paleogeografia de los amonites del Lias de la Argentina y áreas vecinas. – Ameghiniana, 16 (3-4), p. 239-246; Buenos Aires.

Hillebrandt, A.v. (1980): Paleozoogeografia de Jurásico marino (Lias hasta Oxfordiano) en Suramérica. – In: Nuevos Resultados de la Investigación Geocientifica Alemana en Latinoamerica, p. 123-134. 2 pls.; Tübingen.

Hillebrandt, A.v. (1980): Paleogene biostratigraphy in southeastern Spain (Murcia and Ali¬cante Provinces). – Annals of Mines and Geology, III, no. 28, p. 231-248, 6 figs., 1 tab.; Tunis.

Hillebrandt, A.v. & Schmidt-Effing, R. (1981): Ammoniten aus dem Toarcium (Jura) von Chile (Südamerika). Die Arten der Gattungen Dactylioceras, Nodicoeloceras, Peronoceras und Collina. – Zitteliana, 6, 74 p., 26 figs., 8 pls.; München.

Hillebrandt, A.v. (1981): Kontinentalverschiebung und die paläozoogeographischen Be¬ziehungen des südamerikanischen Lias. – Geologische Rundschau, 70/2, p. 570-582, 7 figs.; Stuttgart.

Hillebrandt, A.v. (1981): Das Alttertiär zwischen Reichenhall und Salzburg. – In: H. Hagn: Die Bayerischen Alpen und ihr Vorland in mikropaläontologischer Sicht. Exkursionsführer zum 17. Europäischen Mikropaläontologischen Kolloquium in Oberbayern. – Geologica Bavarica, 82, p. 26-28; München.

Hillebrandt, A.v. (1981): Faunas de amonites del Liasico inferior y medio (Hettangiano hasta Pliensbachiano) de America del Sur (excluyendo Argentina). – In: Volkheimer, W. & Musacchio, E.A. (eds.): Cuencas sedimentarias del Jurásico y Cretácico de America del Sur, 2, p. 499-537, 10 pls.; Buenos Aires.

Herm, D., Hillebrandt, A.v., Höfling, R., Martini, E. & Perch-Nielsen, K. (1981): Exkursion E - Lattengebirge und Untersberg-Vorland in mikropaläontologischer Sicht. – In: H. Hagn: Die Bayerischen Alpen und ihr Vorland in mikropaläontologischer Sicht. Exkursionsführer zum 17. Europäischen Mikropaläontologischen Kolloquium in Oberbayern. – Geologica Bavarica, 82, p. 181-232, 6 figs.; München.

Herm, D., Hillebrandt, A.v. & Perch-Nielsen, K. (1981): Die Kreide/Tertiär-Grenze im Lattengebirge (Nördliche Kalkalpen) in mikropaläontologischer Sicht. – In: H. Hagn: Die Bayerischen Alpen und ihr Vorland in mikropaläontologischer Sicht. Exkursionsführer zum 17. Europäischen Mikropaläontologischen Kolloquium in Oberbayern. – Geologica Bavarica, 82, p. 319-344, 3 figs., 2 tab., 4 pls.; München.

Hillebrandt, A.v. & Stiefel, J. (1982): Karl Werner Barthel (1928-1981). – Mitteilungen der Bayerischen Staatsammlung für Paläontologie und historische Geologie, 22, p. 3-7; München.

Hillebrandt, A.v. & Stiefel, J. (1982): Karl Werner Barthel †. – Zeitschrift der Förderer des Bergbaus und des Hüttenwesens an der Technischen Universität Berlin, 16/1, p. 16-17; Berlin.

Hillebrandt, A.v. (1983): The Lower Jurassic of the Rio Atuel region. – Circum-Pacific Jurassic (IGCP 171), 2nd Field Meeting, Mendoza-Neuquen, p. 11-18; Argentinien.

Hillebrandt, A.v. (1983): The Lower Jurassic of the Sierra Chacai Co. – Circum-Pacific Ju¬rassic (IGCP 171), 2nd Field Meeting, Mendoza-Neuquen, p. 51-57; Argentinien.

Hillebrandt, A.v. (1983): Bericht zur Forschungsreise zusammen mit Prof. Dr. K.-J. Reutter im Februar/März 1983. – Anlage 2.3-A4/2 zum DFG-Antrag vom 15.11.83, 12 pp.

Förster, R. & Hillebrandt, A.v. (1984): Das Kimmeridge des Profeta-Jura in Nordchile mit einer Mecochirus-Favreina-Vergesellschaftung (Crustacea, Decapoda-Ichnogenus). – Mitteilungen der Bayerischen Staatsammlung für Paläontologie und historische Geologie, 24, p. 67-84, 8 figs., 4 pls.; München.

Hillebrandt, A.v. (1984): The Faunal relations of the Lower Jurassic ammonites of South America. – International Symposium on Jurassic Stratigraphy, 3, p. 715-729, 1 tab.; Erlangen.

Hillebrandt, A.v. & Westermann, G.E.G. (1985): Aalenian (Jurassic) Ammonite Fau¬nas and Zones of the Southern Andes. – Zitteliana, 12, p. 3-55, 10 figs., 10 pls.; München.

Gröschke, M. & Hillebrandt, A.v. (1985): Trias und Jura in der mittleren Cordillera Domeyko von Chile (23°30’ - 24°30’). – Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen, 170, p. 129-166, 10 figs.; Stutt¬gart.

Chong, D.G. & Hillebrandt, A.v. (1985): El Triásico Preandíno de Chile entre los 23°30’ y 26°00’ de Lat. Sur. – IV. Congreso Geológico Cileno, Actas, 1, p. 1-162, 1-210, 4 figs., 1 tab., 4 pls.; Anto-fagasta.

Bogdanic, T., Hillebrandt, A.v. & Quinzio, L.A. (1985): El Aaleníano de Sierra de Varas, Cordillera de Domeyko, Antofagasta, Chile. – IV. Congreso Geológico Cileno, Actas, 1, p. 1-58, 2 figs., 1 tab., 1 pls.; Antofagasta.

Hillebrandt, A.v. (1986): The Lower Jurassic of the Rio Atuel Region, Mendoza Province, Argentina. – IV. Congreso Argentino de Paleontología y Bioestratigrafía, Actas 4, p. 39-44.

Hillebrandt, A.v. (1986): Liassic Ammonite Zones of South America and Correlations with other Provinces. With description of new genera and species of ammonites. – IV. Congreso Argentino de Paleontología y Bioestratigrafía, Actas 4, p. 111-157.

Hillebrandt, A.v., Gröschke, M., Prinz, P. & Wilke, H.G. (1986): Marines Meso¬zoikum in Nordchile. – Berliner geowissenschaftliche Abhandlungen, A, Sonderband, p. 35; Berlin.

Hillebrandt, A.v., Gröschke, M., Wilke, H.G & Prinz, P. (1986): Marines Meso¬zoikum in Nordchile zwischen 21° und 26°. – Berliner geowissenschaftliche Abhandlungen, A 66, p. 169-190, 3 figs.; Berlin.

Hillebrandt, A.v. (1987): Liassic ammonite zones of South America and correlations with other provinces. Description of new genera and species of ammonites. – In: Bioestratigrafia de los Sistemas Regionales del Jurásico y Cretácico en America del Sur, 2, p. 111-157, 2 figs., 2 tab., 15 pls.; Mendoza.

Gröschke, M., Hillebrandt, A.v., Prinz, P., & Wilke, H.-G. (1987): El Mesozoico en el Norte de Chi-le. – In: Investigaciones Alemanas Recientes en Latinoamerica: Geología: Proyectos de la Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, p. 40-43; Bonn, Tübingen.

Hillebrandt, A.v. (1988): Ammonite Biostratigraphy of the South American Hettangian. –Description of new species of Psiloceras. – In: 2nd International Symposium on Jurassic Stratigraphy, 1, p. 55-70, 2 figs., l pl.; Lissabon.

Hillebrandt, A.v. (1988): Die Bedeutung der Mikropaläontologie für die angewandte Geolo¬gie. – Wissenschaftsmagazin der Technischen Universität Berlin, 1988 (11), p. 60-63, 7 figs.; Berlin.

Gröschke, M., Hillebrandt, A.v., Prinz, P., Quinzo, L.A. & Wilke, H.G. (1988): Marine Mesozoic Paleogeography in Northern Chile between 21° - 26° p. – In Bahlburg, H., Breitkreuz, Ch. & Giese, P.: The Southern Central Andes. – Lecture Notes in Earth System Sciences, 17, p. 105-117, 5 figs.; Berlin-Heidelberg.

Hillebrandt, A.v. (1989): The Lower Jurassic of the Rio Atuel Region, Mendoza Province, Argentma. – IV. Congreso Argentino de Paleontología y Biostratigrafía, Mendoza 1986, Actas, 4, 5 p., 2 figs.; Mendoza.

Hillebrandt, A.v. (1990): The Triassic/Jurassic boundary in northern Chile. – In: Meeting on the Triassic-Jurassic Boundary, Lyon, Nov. 28.-29.1988. – Cahiers d’Université Catholique. Lyon, Sér. Sci., 3, p. 27-53, 8 figs., 3 pls.; Lyon.

Hillebrandt, A.v. (1990): Der Untere Jura im Gebiet des Rio Atuel (Provinz Mendoza, Ar¬gentinien). – Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen 181 (1-3), p. 143-157, 4 figs.; Stuttgart.

Hillebrandt, A.v., Prinz, P. & Wilke, H. G. (1990): Subsidencia y grado de sedimentación en la cuenca mesozoica trás arco del Norte de Chile. – Symposium International Géodynamique Andine, 15-17 mai 1990, Grenoble, France, p. 257-259, 2 figs.; Orstom, Paris.

Riccardi, A.C., Damborena, S.E. & Mancenido, M.O., with contributions by A. Baldoni, S. Ballent, Z. Gasparini, A.v. Hillebrandt, M.E. Quattrocchio, W. Volkheimer & A.M. Zavttieri (1990): Lower Jurassic of South America and Antarctic Peninsula. – Newsletters on Stratigraphy, 21/2, p.75-103, 10 charts; Berlin, Stuttgart.

Gygi, R.A. & Hillebrandt, A.v. (1991): Ammonites (mainly Gregoryceras) of the Oxfordian (Late Jurassic) in northern Chile and time-correlation with Europe. – Schweizerische paläontologische Abhandlungen, 113, p. 135-185, 23 figs., 10 tab., 9 pls.; Basel (Birkhäuser).

Schlatter, R., Gygi, R.A., Hillebrandt, A.v. (1991): Biostratigraphie und Ammonitenfauna des Ober-Lotharingium und Unter-Pliensbachium im Klettgau (Kanton Schaffhausen, Schweiz) und angrenzender Gebiete. – Mémorie svizzere di paleontologia; Schweizerische paläontologische Abhandlungen, 113, p. 1-133; Basel (Birkhäuser).

Hillebrandt, A.v., Smith, P., Westermann, G.E.G. & Callomon, J.H. (1992): Ammonite zones of the circum-Pacific region. – In: Westermann (ed.): World and Regional Geology 3. The Jurassic of the Circum-Pacific. – p. 247-272, 3 tab., 91 pls.; Cambridge (University Press).

Hillebrandt, A.v., Smith, P., Westermann, G.E.G., Callomon, J.H. & Dettermann, R.L. (1992): Ammonites of the circum-Pacific region. – In: Westermann (ed.): World & Regional Geology 3. The Jurassic of the Circum-Pacific. – p. 342-359, 6 figs., 1 tab.; Cambridge (University Press).

Gröschke, M. & Hillebrandt, A.v. (1993): Die paläobiogeographischen Beziehungen zwischen Nordchile und Europa im mittleren Jura. – Geologische Blätter für NO-Bayern, 43 (1993), 1-3, p. 57-72; Erlangen.

Hillebrandt, A.v. (1993): Nummuliten und Assilinen aus dem Eozän des Krappfeldes in Kärnten (Österreich). – Zitteliana, 20, p. 277-293, 8 figs., 4 pls.; München.

Gröschke, M. & Hillebrandt, A.v. (1994): The Bathonian in Northern Chile. – Geobios, M.S. 17, p. 255-264, 1 figs., 1 Tab., 1 pls.; Lyon.

Hillebrandt, A.v. (1994): The Triassic/Jurassic Boundary and Hettangian Biostratigraphy in the Area of the Utcubamba Valley (Northern Peru). – Geobios, M.S. 17, p. 297-307, 6 figs., 1 Tab., 1 pls.; Lyon.

Hillebrandt, A.v., Kramer, W. & Wilke, H.G. (1994): Zum Vulkanismus im Jura der Präkordillere von Nordchile. – Terra Nostra, 2/94, p. 36; Tübingen.

Hillebrandt, A.v., Kramer, W. & Wilke, H.G. (1994): Jurassic volcanism in the Precordillera of Northern Chile. – Terra Nostra, 2/94, p. 21; Tübingen.

Prinz, P. & Hillebrandt, A.v. (1994): Stratigraphy and Ammonites of the North Peruvian Pucara Group. – Palaeontographica, A 233, p. 33-62, 7 figs.; Stuttgart.

Prinz, P., Wilke, H.G. & Hillebrandt, A.v. (1994): Sediment accumulation and subsidence history in the Mesozoic Marginal Basin of Northern Chile. – In: K.-J. Reutter, E. Scheuber & P.J. Wigger (eds.): Tectonics of the Southern Central Andes. – p. 219-232, 8 figs.; Springer Verlag.

Hillebrandt, A.v. & Gröschke, M. (1995): Ammoniten aus dem Callovium/Oxfordium-Grenzbereich von Nordchile. – Berliner geowissenschaftliche Abhandlungen, A 169, 40 p., 4 figs., 6 pls.; Berlin.

Westermann, G.E.G. & Hillebrandt, A.v. (1995): A Late Bathonian morphoceratid (Jurassic, Ammonitina) from Peru. – Mitteilungen der Bayerischen Staatsammlung für Paläontologie und historische Geologie, 35, p. 27-37, 2 figs., 1 pls.; Mün¬chen.

Aberhan, M. & Hillebrandt, A.v. (1996): Taxonomy, ecology and palaeobiogeography of Gervilleioperna (Gervilleiognoma) aurita n. subgen. n. sp. (Bivalvia) from the Middle Jurassic of northern Chile. – Paläontologische Zeitschrift, 70 (l/2), p. 79-96, 8 figs.; Stuttgart.

Hillebrandt, A.v. (1996): Der Westrand des Backarc-Beckens im Trias/Jura-Grenzbereich östlich Antofagasta (Nordchile). In: 15. Geowissenschaftliches Lateinamerika-Kolloquium, Zusammenfassung der Tagungsbeiträge. – Terra Nostra, 8/96, p. 65; Köln.

Hillebrandt, A.v. (1997): Proposal of the Utcubamba Valley sections in Northern Peru. – International Subcommission on Jurassic Stratigraphy, Newsletter, 24, p. 21-25.

Aberhan, M. & Hillebrandt, A.v. (1999): The bivalve Opisoma in the Lower Jurassic of northern Chile. – Profil, 16, p. 149-164, 8 figs.; Stuttgart.

Hillebrandt, A.v. (1999): Paleobiogeography and relationship of South American Hettangian (Lower Jurassic) Ammonites. – In: V. International Symposium Cephalopods. Present and Past, Vienna. Abstracts Volume. – Berichte der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, 46/1, p. 47; Wien.

Hillebrandt, A.v. (1999): Die Gattung Psiloceras (Ammonitina) im basalen Jura (Hettangium) von Südamerika. – In: Vorträge und Poster der 69. Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft 20.9.-26.9.99 in Zürich. – Terra Nostra 99/8, p. 36, Berlin-Steglitz.

Hillebrandt, A.v. (2000): Ammonite Biostratigraphy of the Hettangian/Sinemurian Boundary in South America. – In: Hall, R.L. & P.L. Smith (eds.): Advances in Jurassic Research 2000. – GeoResearch Forum, 6, p. 105-118, 4 figs., 3 pls.; Zürich (Trans Tech Pubilications Ltd).

Hillebrandt, A.v. (2000a): Ammoniten aus dem oberen Sinemurium (Unterjura) von Südamerika. – In: Vorträge und Poster der 70. Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft vom 24.-30. September 2000 in Coburg. – Terra Nostra, 2000/3, p. 46; Coburg.

Hillebrandt, A.v. (2000b): Die Ammoniten-Fauna des südamerikanischen Hettangium (basaler Jura). Teil I. – Palaeontographica, A 257, p. 85-189, 40 figs., 9 Tab., 14 pls.; Stuttgart (Schweizerbart).

Hillebrandt, A.v. (2000c): Die Ammoniten-Fauna des südamerikanischen Hettangium (basaler Jura). Teil II. – Palaeontographica, A 258, p. 1-64, 8 figs., 2 Tab., 16 pls.; Stuttgart (Schweizerbart).

Hillebrandt, A.v. (2000d): Die Ammoniten-Fauna des südamerikanischen Hettangium (basaler Jura). Teil III. – Palaeontographica, A 258, p. 65-116, 3 figs., 4 Tab., 12 pls.; Stuttgart (Schweizerbart).

Hillebrandt, A.v. (2000e): Ammoniten und ihre Bedeutung für die Lösung geologischer Probleme in den südamerikanischen Anden. – In: 17. Geowissenschaftliches Lateinamerika-Kolloquium, 11. bis 13. Oktober 2000, Stuttgart. – Profil, 18, p. 26; Stuttgart.

Hillebrandt, A.v., Bartsch, V., Bebiolka, A., Kossler, A., Kramer, W., Wilke, H.-G. & Wittmann, S. (2000): The Paleogeographic Evolution in a Volcanic Arc/Back-Arc Setting during the Mesozoic in Northern Chile. – In: H. Miller & F. Herve (Coordinators): Geoscientific Cooperation with Latin America. 31st International Geological Congress, Rio de Janeiro. – Zeitschrift für Angewandte Geologie, Sonderheft 1/2000, p. 87-93, l figs.; Hannover.

Hillebrandt, A.v., Kossler, A. & Gröschke, M. (2000): Caracoliceras, a new Oxdordian (Upper Jurassic) ammonite genus from northern Chile. – Revue Paléobiologique, Genève (2000), Volume spécial 8, p. 65-81, 5 figs., 1 Tab., 4 pls.; Genf.

Hillebrandt, A.v. & Dietl, O. (2001): Eine Pseudokolonie von Spiriferina (Brachiopoda) aus dem Unterjura von Chile. – In: 3,5 Milliarden Jahre Biodiversität, Tagungsführer. – Terra Nostra. 2001/6, p. 42; Oldenburg.

Hillebrandt, A.v. (2001): Ammonite stratigraphy of the Bajocian in Northern Chile. – Hantkeniana, 3, p. 49-87, 3 figs., 1 tab., 10 pls.; Budapest.

Hillebrandt, A.v. (2001): Paleogeography of the South American Lower Jurassic ammonites. – In: Paleobiogeography & Paleoecology. – International Conf. Paleobiogeography and Paleoecology, Piacenza & Castell’Arquato (Italien), May 31 - June 2, 2001 – Vortragsband: p. 63.

Hillebrandt, A.v. (2002a): Ammoniten aus dem oberen Sinemurium von Südamerika. – Revue de Paléobiologie (Geneve, Juin 2002), 21 (1): p. 35-147, 22 figs., 20 tab., 12 pls.

Hillebrandt, A.v. (2002b): Ammonite biostratigraphy of the Sinemurian/Pliensbachian boundary in South America. – In: 6th International Symposium on the Jurassic System, September 12-22, 2002, Mondello, Sicily (Italy) (Abstracts and Program): p. 90-91.

Hillebrandt, A.v. (2002c): Phylogenie und Paläobiogeographie südamerikanischer Ammoniten des Unteren Jura. – In: GEO 2002, Planet Erde: Vergangenheit, Entwicklung, Zukunft, 1.-5. Oktober 2002, Würzburg (Programm und Kurzfassungen), p. 164.

Perez, E., Hillebrandt, A.v., Reyes, R. & Aberhan, M. (2006): Nuevos antecedentes cronoestratigráficos sobre los Trigonioida del Jurásico inferior del Norte de Chile. – XI. congreso Geológico Chileno, Antofagasta – Il Region, Actas, 1, p. 109-112.

Hillebrandt, A. v. (2006): Ammoniten aus dem Pliensbachium (Carixium und Domerium) von Südamerika. – Revue de Paléobiologie (Geneve, Juin 2006), 25 (1): p. 1-403, 41 figs., 83 Tab., 66 pls.

Hillebrandt, A.v. (2006): Biostratigraphie, Paläobiogeographie und Phylogenie der südamerikanischen Ammoniten des Pliensbachium (Jura). – 76. Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft, Berichte Institut für Geowissenschaften der Universität Kiel, 22, p. 33-35.

Hillebrandt, A.v., Krystyn, L. & Kuerschner, W. (2006): The Triassic/Jurassic boundary beds of the Karwendel Syncline (Austria). Initial report of a new GSSP candidate for the base of the Jurassic. – Volumina Jurasica, IV, p. 287-288; Warsaw University.

Hillebrandt, A.v., Krystyn, L. & Kuerschner, W. (2006): The Triassic-Jurassic boundary beds of the Karwendel Syncline (Austria). Initial report of a new GSSP candidate for the base of the Jurassic. – GeoBerlin 2006. 158. Jahrestagung der DGG.– Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 50, p. 69-70.

Pérez, E., Aberhan, M., Reyes, R. & Hillebrandt, A.v. (2007): Early Jurassic Bivalvia of northern Chile. Part III. Order Trigonioida. – Beringeria, 39: p. 51-102, 3 figs., 16 pls.

Hillebrandt, A.v. (2007): Ein globaler Vergleich der ältesten Ammoniten des Jura: Faunenfolge und ihre Bedeutung für die Definition der Trias/Jura-Grenze. – In: O. Elicki & J. W. Schneider (eds.): Fossile Ökosysteme. 77. Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft. – Wissenschaftliche Mitteilungen des Instituts für Geologie, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, 36, p. 54-55.

Hillebrandt, A.v., Krystyn, L. & Kuerschner, W.M., with contributions from P.R. Bown, C. McRoberts, M. Ruhl, M. Simms, M., A. Tomãsových & M. Urlichs (2007): A candidate GSSP for the base of the Jurassic in the Northern Calcareous Alps (Kuhjoch section, Karwendel Mountains, Tyrol, Austria). – ISJS Newsletters, 34/1, p. 2-20.

Hillebrandt, A.v. (2008): Aragonitsche Foraminiferen (Robertinina) aus dem Trias/Jura-Grenzbereich der Nördlichen Kalkalpen und ihre biostratigraphische Bedeutung. – Erlanger Geologische Abhandlungen, Sonderband 6, p. 34.

Hillebrandt, A.v. & Urlichs, M. (2008): Foraminifera and ostracoda from the Northern Calcareous Alps and the end-Triassic biotic crisis. – Berichte der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, 76, p. 30-38; Wien.

Hillebrandt, A.v. & Kment, K. (2009): Die Trias/Jura-Grenze und der Jura in der Karwendelmulde und dem Bayerischen Synklinorium. – Jahrestagung der Subkommission für Jurastratigraphie in Fall 2009, Exkursionsführer. – 45 pp.

Hillebrandt, A.v. & Krystyn, L. (2009): Psiloceras spelae, Missing Link zwischen den Ammoniten der Trias und des Jura. – 79. Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft in Bonn. – Terra Nostra, Schriften der GeoUnion Alfred Wegener Stiftung 2009/3: p. 49.

Hillebrandt, A.v. & Krystyn, L. (2009): On the oldest Jurassic ammonites of Europe (Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria) and their global significance. – Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen, 253/2-3, p. 163-195, 16 figs., 2 tab.; Stuttgart (Schweizerbart).

Acosta, H., Alván, A., Hillebrandt, A.v., Riegraf, W. & Oviedo, M. (2009): Nuevos aportes en la sedimentogía y paleontología de las formaciones Chocolate y Socosaní (Jurásico inferior y medio en el dístrito de Yura, Arequípa (Sur de Peru). – Sociedad Geológica del Peru, vol. especíal, 7, p. 63-77, 9 figs.; Lima.

Hillebrandt, A.v. (2010): Geologische Forschungen auf Auslandsbergfahrten der ASM. – In: 100 Jahre ASM, p. 115-129; Akademische Sektion München des Deutschen Alpenvereins.

Hillebrandt, A.v. (2010): Aragonitic Foraminifera (Robertinina) from the Triassic-Jurassic Boundary Interval of the Northern Calcareous Alps. – In: Short papers for the 8th International Congress on the Jurassic System. – Earth Science Frontiers, 17, Speciel Issue (2010), p. 70-72, 1 fig.

Hillebrandt, A.v. (2010): Wo kommen die planktonischen Foraminiferen her? – In: 80. Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft 5.-8. Oktober 2010. Programm und Kurzfassungen. – Zitteliana, B 29: p. 49-50.

Hillebrandt, A.v. (2010): Hallazgo de Paleozoico Superior Marino en el Flanco Oriental de Sierra Fraga, Región de Atacama. – Andean Geology, 8, p. 87-90.

Hillebrandt, A.v. & Kment, K. (2010): Trias/Jura-Grenze in der Karwendelmulde (GSSP Kuhjoch). – Exkursion C, Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft 2010, 42 p., 31 figs.; München.

Dietze, V., Hillebrandt, A.v., Joly, B., Riccardi, A. & Schweigert, G. (2010): Ammonite faunas and stratigraphy of the Lower Bajocian of Paso del Espinacíto (Middle Jurassic, San Juan Province, Argentina. – Palaeodiversity, 3, p. 89-121, 2 figs., 2 tab., 10 pls.; Stuttgart (Schweizerbart).

Hillebrandt, A.v. & Kment, K. (2011): Lithologie und Biostratigraphie des Hettangium im Karvendelgebirge. – Arbeitstagung der Geologischen Bundesanstalt für Blatt Achenkirch, Achenkirch 19.-23. September 2011, Geologie des Achenseegebietes, p. 17-38, 8 figs.; Wien (ed. Alfred Gruber).

Richoz, S., Krystyn, L. & Hillebrandt, A.v. (2011): Die Trias/Jura Grenze auf dem Kuhjoch. –Österreichische Kommission für Stratigraphie des Österreichischen Nationalkommitees für Geowissenschaften: 2 information-plates.

Dietze, V. & Hillebrandt, A.v. (2012): Lower Bajocian (Middle Jurassic) Ammonites of the Manflas area in Atacama Province, Northern Chile, Part 1: Singularis Zone. – Revue de Paléobiologie, Vol. Spec. 11, p. 27-41; Genf.

Hillebrandt, A.v. (2012): Discovery of Psiloceras spelae and associated microfauna in the Triassic-Jurassic Boundary Beds of the Hallstatt-Zlambach Basin (Northern Calcareous Alps). – In: Witzmann, F. & Aberhan, M. (eds.): Centenary Meeting of the Paläontologische Gesellschaft. Programm, Abstracts and Field Guides. – Terra Nostra 2012/3, p. 78.

Hillebrandt, A.v. (2012): Der älteste Ammonit der Jurazeit. – In: Martin, Th., Koenigswald, W. v., Radtke. G. & Rust, J. (eds.): Paläontologie – 100 Jahre Paläontologische Gesellschaft, p. 110-111; München (F. Pfeil).

Dietze, V., Hillebrandt, A.v., Riccardi, A. & Schweigert, G. (2012): Ammonites and stratigraphy of a Lower Bajocian (Middle Jurassic) section in Sierra Chacaico (Neuquén Basin, Argentina). – Zitteliana, A 52, p. 119-139, 4 figs., 9 pls.; München.

Hillebrandt, A.v. (2012): Are the Late Triassic to Early Jurassic aragonitic Oberhauserellidae (Robertinina) the ancestors of planktonic Foraminifera? – Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen, 266/3, p. 199-215, 6 pls.; Stuttgart (Schweizerbart).

Hillebrandt A.v. (2012): Discovery of Psiloceras spelae and associatedd microfauna in the Triass-Jurassic Boundary Beds of the Hallstatt Basin (Northern Calacaeous Alps). – In: Witzmann, F. & Aberhan, M. (eds.): Centenary Meeting of the Paläontologische Gesellschaft, Programm, Abstracts and Field Guides. – Terra Nostra 2012/3, S. 78.

Hillebrandt, A.v., Krystyn, L., Kürschner, W.M., Bonis, N.R., Ruhl, M., Richoz, S., Schobben, M.A.N, Urlichs, M., Bown, P.R., Kment, K., McRoberts, C.A., Simms, M. & Tomãsových, A. (2013): The Global Stratotype Sections and Point (GSSP) for the base of the Jurassic System at Kujoch (Karwendel Mountains, Northern Calcerous Alps, Tyrol, Austria). – Episodes. Journal of International Geoscinces, 36/3, p. 162-198, 27 figs., 1 tab.; Bangalore.

Clémence, M.-E. & Hillebrandt, A.v. (2013): Oberhauserellidae (Benthic Foraminifera) outbursts during the environmental perturbations at the Triassic-Jurassic boundary: Palaeoecological imlications. – In: M.D. Georgescu: Foraminifera: Classification, Biology, and Evolution, Chapter 1: 1-26; New York (Nova Science Publishers). DOI: 10.13140/2.1.2865.4723.

Hillebrandt, A.v. (2014): Foraminifera and the end-Triassic biotic crisis at the T-J boundary in the Northern Calcareous Alps. – In: Pandey, D.K., Fürsich, F.-Th., Alberti, M. (eds.): 9th International Congress on the Jurassic System. Abstracts. – Beringeria, Special Issue 8, p. 70-72, 1 figs.; Erlangen.

Hillebrandt, A.v. & Kment, K. (2015): Psiloceratid ammonites from the Lower Hettangian of the Karwendel Mountains (Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria) and their biostratigraphic significance. – Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen 277(3), p. 275-306; Stuttgart (Schweizerbart).

Dietze, V. & Hillebrandt, A.v. (2018): Lower Bajocian (Middle Jurassic) Ammonites of the Manflas area in Atacama Province, Northern Chile, Part 2: Giebeli Zone. – Zitteliana, 93, p. 25-45; München.

Hillebrandt, A.v. & Urlichs, M. (2023): Extinctions and recoveries in the Allgäu Basin (Northern Calcareous Alps) during the end-Triassic mass extinction. – Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen 308/2: p. 91-111, 13 figs.; Stuttgart